Tuesday, May 5, 2015

What EXACTLY are we investigating?

First of all, here's a basic overview of the Group 4 subjects that the four of us takes. (I think you can find out who AoiSenri is from this post alone if you followed their blog for quite a while).

Three of us are taking Biology (one taking double Science by also taking Chemistry) and one of us is taking Physics.




So, about the things we'll be investigating...DEFINITELY they'll be about track sports! You know, those freaking events in Mario and Sonic that is only about rubbing the touch screen as much as possible or shaking the Wiimote (and Nunchuk, sometimes) like crazy?

Here are the things we'll be investigating!

William (Biology)
-How does an individual's respiratory and cardiovascular health affect their performance in track?

Melina (Biology)
-What are the good and bad effects of the use of steriods in track events, and how do they affect an athlete's health?

David (Biology and Chemistry)
-How does specific diets affect an athlete's performance in track events?
-What is the minimum amount of glucose needed for an athlete to run under a set period of time?

Raissa (Physics)
-How does an athlete's height affect his sprinting speed?

Trust me, a LOT of work came into solving these seemingly simple problems. How? Well, we had to design experiments, and for some of us, we just took data and did research, research, and MORE RESEARCH.

Oh, and some more research.

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